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Crystallized Sulfur
WT: 0.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
up to 100
NPCs sell this at 3g3c
NPCs buy this at 1g5s7c
EQ item ID: 16976
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This item is dropped from mobs:
Note: Commonly dropped from a wide variety of mobs across many zones.
Blightfire Moors
Burning Woods
a sarnak extremist
a Sarnak enthusiast
a Sarnak knight
a sarnak champion
City of Mist
a mist golem
a black reaver
Cobalt Scar
a haunted seachest
a siren enticer
Deepest Guk: The Cauldron of Lost Souls
a Witness of Hate Assassin
a bleary Dar soldier
an unsanctified Korta priest
Deepest Guk: The Chapel of the Witnesses
a ghoulish Dar warrior
a Witness of Hate onlooker
a doomed yunta witchdoctor
a Witness of Hate assassin
an unholy Korta priest
a dazzling oculus
an unsanctified Korta priest
an anguished Darta soldier
a forlorn Darta soldier
Deepest Guk: The Drowning Crypt
a dazzling oculus
a forlorn Darta soldier
Deepest Guk: The Root Garden
a bleary Dar soldier
a forlorn Darta soldier
Cauldron of Hate Dread Guard
a Witness of Hate soulreaper
a Witness of Hate seer
a Witness of Hate knave
a reanimated Shinta champion
a decaying Yunta witchdoctor
a cursed Korta researcher
Dragon Necropolis [SoV]
a carrion bat
Dulak's Harbor
a servant of hate
various mobs
an emissary of hate
Frontier Mountains
a goblin stalagknight
Gulf of Gunthak
a dark elf initiate
a deadly skeletal sailor
Howling Stones
a bile golem
a mortiferous golem
a sepulcher spirit
a pyre golem
Kedge Keep
a gloomwater mermaid
Miragul's Menagerie: The Forgotten Waste
a boney custodian
a Frostfoot preserver
a railing holgresh
a sentient mass of flesh
Miragul's Menagerie: The Silent Gallery
a rambling ice brute
Mistmoore Catacombs: Ritualistic Summoni
a Scion gorefeeder
a Trueborn bloodprowler
a Steward bloodadvisor
a steward darkguard
Mons Letalis
a Stonegrabber
Multiple Zones
multiple mobs, This item can drop off many mobs in many zones. It is too large of a selection to track and list them all
Ocean of Tears
a seafury cyclops
Plane of Growth
a gale wolf
Ruins of Old Paineel (The Hole)
an elemental warrior
Ruins of Sebilis (Old Sebilis)
froglok bok shaman
froglok dar knight
a leprous scarab
froglok bok knight
froglok jin wizard
Rujarkian Hills: Drudge Hollows
a Steelslave mender
a Steelslave soldier
a Steelslave ruffian
a Captive Coin drudge
Rujarkian Hills: The Bloodied Quarries
Slave Marauder
a Steelslave mender
a Steelslave legionnaire
a resilient slave
a Steelslave specialist
a Captive Coin chattel
Rujarkian Hills: The Fortified Lair of t
a spiritual drudge
a Captive Coin drudge
a Steelslave soldier
Rujarkian Hills: The Wind Bridges
a tortured toiler
a Steelslave spiritcaller
a Steelslave soldier
a Steelslave legionnaire
a spiritual drudge
a Captive Coin drudge
Siren's Grotto
a siren myrmidon
Skyfire Mountains
a wyvern
Ssraeshza Temple
a Shissar Arch Arcanist
a temple skirmisher
a Shissar Templar
Stonebrunt Mountains
a mature panda
Takish-Hiz: The Prismatic Corridors
a forgotten Cave Dweller
a Flowkeeper director
an earthen defender
a Royal guardian
a flustered sandspirit
an enraged stoneservant
Takish-Hiz: The Sandfall Corridors
a summoned greater defender
a Jeweled Guard hero
a Flowkeeper director
Takish-Hiz: The Shifting Tower
a petrified colossal tree
an earthen defender
a Jeweled Guard hero
Takish-Hiz: The Sweeping Tides
luminescent assistant
a forgotten cave dweller
a Jeweled Guard hero
a summoned greater defender
a royal hierophant
Tenebrous Mountains
Renaldok Masric, Named Coterie in the Castle
The Deep
a thought horror evoker
a horror guard
a thought horror spiriter
The Jaggedpine Forest
a Darkpaw warrior
Elishia Blackguard, named poacher
a timber griffon
a dryad
Wakening Land
a suit of sentient armor
a corrupted faun
various geonids
holgresh, multiple holgresh mobs (conjurers, etc.)
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