EQ Traders Corner
Tradeskill Success Rates

Q: What sort of success rate should I expect?

A: To answer that, I've taken a re-cap of the success rate discussion and posted it here. Thanks Ishwar for the the summary.


The theory that explains it all is the following

Success* = Skill - 0.75*Trivial + 51.5 (rounded up, for Trivial>= 68)

Success* = Skill - Trivial + 66 (for Trivial < 68)

Of course we all know that

Success = max(5,min(Success*,95?))


The underlying mechanics is that each item has a difficulty and the success is given as

Success* = Skill +50 - dificulty.

Trivial = Dificulty + 16 (for Dificulty <=50)

Trivial = 4/3 * Dificulty + 2 (for Dificulty > 50)

So far almost all trivial numbers are attainable this way (and the few that are not, are very hard to verify). The popular trivials correspond to rounding difficulties. And last, the hardest difficulties attainable (255) gives around 50% succes with max skill, consistent with what people report on infused cultural.

There is some speculation that the function is really a step function for low success rates (<60) and some data supporting this, but this is still an open question.

The upper limit (the "95%" limit) is also not excatly determined.

Ishwar - level 55 Barbarian Rogue - Wind of Tranquility - AB server

Originally posted by Ishwar2 on 10/8/02 1:50:51 am

Editted to correct spelling and grammatical errors.


For those with difficulty remembering the order of operations:

Percentage = (skill - (trivial*.75)) + 51.5

~ Lothay

Created: 2003-05-14 06:58:28          
Last Modified By: EQTC Editor Waverlyn          
Last Modified on: 2003-05-14 06:58:28          

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