EQ Traders Corner

No, it isn't 'Mum swearing at everyone, but a bit of background about WTF Comics, as well as some lovely art that was created specifically for EQTC by Jeremy Waller of WTF Comics.

Back in early 2005, we were contacted by Jeremy, asking if Niami and Ngreth could make cameo appearances in his ongoing serial comic that is set in the EverQuest world. We were thrilled to give our permission, and even moreso once we saw the end result. For those who would like a closer look at that specific issue, it starts with strip number 141 - Denmoms and Boomsticks.

Fast forward to January of 2006, and just as 'Mum was getting ready to go in for surgery, she received prezzies from Jeremy - trading card images with an EQTC theme, and some lovely EQTC wallpaper! At the time, since things were a tad chaotic, they ended up scattered around the site as a mini-scavenger hunt, but the hibernating halfling never got around to doing anything more with them. Now that I am recovered, and have wiped the egg off my face, I'm finally making them a bit easier for folks to find. Wheeee! Watch out for that rolling pin!!

The wallpaper: (Actual image size 1024x768. Right-click on the picture to the right to save it to your computer for use as desktop wallpaper.)
The trading cards:

Created: 2006-04-09 08:06:38          
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother          
Last Modified on: 2007-07-15 10:45:07          

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© 2003-24 Niami Denmother.
The fine print. This is a research and information site. All of the information on this site has been gathered and submitted by the players and Niami Denmother. While we try our best to keep the information here as accurate and up to date as possible, rely upon it at your own risk. By submitting information and graphics to this site, you are granting us permission to use the materials in any way that we deem appropriate. EverQuest is a registered trademark of Darkpaw Games LLC. Except as is disclosed on the "about" page, this site has no official connection with EverQuest or Darkpaw Games LLC. All information, articles and graphics on this site are the copyright of EQ Traders Corner, its owners and/or Darkpaw Games LLC and may not be copied or reprinted without the express written approval of the copyright holder. This site is not meant to represent official EverQuest (Darkpaw Games) policy, and we are not responsible for errors and/or omissions that occur due to changes in EverQuest trade skills or information that we received from the community that is in error.

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