The Omens of War expansion introduced the epic 1.5 and 2.0 quests, which sometimes have steps involving tradeskills. There are also now bypass quests which allow skipping the epic 1.0 and going straight to the 1.5, and which also sometimes require tradeskills. We would rather that the various class sites handle writeups of their respective epics, but have added some basic information on the tradeskill portion of each quest to our database. Our coverage consist of item names, recipes, and where available the sources of ingredients. Our info on these is somewhat spotty, with many missing trivials, missing data on items that are returned if you fail a combine, etc. Please report any updates and additions to the Database Update Submissions forum.
Because we are only tracking the basic information, we do not have detailed writeups. Instead, you can click the links to the final items made with tradeskills in each classes' quests to see the item and recipe detail. From there you can also click on the ingredients to get further information about them. Note that the quests may all also involve quest combines that are not done in tradeskill containers and don't have tradeskill checks. We don't list those.
For more detailed information about these quests, we recommend referring to your favorite site for your class, or a general site like Allakhazam's.
Created: 2004-09-17 05:12:24
Last Modified By: Verdandi Board Goddess
Last Modified on: 2006-08-16 10:02:50
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