recipes|sources|full list
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Stackable up to 20 NPCs sell this at 10p4g9s9c NPCs buy this at 9g5s2c
Item lore: Class One Mana Battery
EQ item ID: 14800
item|sources|full list
- Tinkering Components: Battery Casing 1, Grain of Dark Matter
In: Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox, Tinkering Table (Placeable), Guild Tinkering Table (Placeable), Tinkering Table Yield: 1 This combine may only be made by Gnomes
Notes: EQRecipeID: 65789
Learned as: Mana Battery - Class One (from Grains)
Trivial at: 54
- Tinkering Components: Battery Casing 1(5), Dark Matter
In: Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox, Tinkering Table (Placeable), Guild Tinkering Table (Placeable), Tinkering Table Yield: 5 This combine may only be made by Gnomes
Notes: EQRecipeID: 65787
Learned as: Mana Battery - Class One (Dark Matter)
Trivial at: 54
- Tinkering Components: Dark Matter, Small Battery Casing 1 pack of 5
In: Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox Yield: 5 This combine may only be made by Gnomes
Notes: EQRecipeID: 65788
Learned as: Mana Battery - Class One (Dark Matter - 5 Pack)
Trivial at: 54
- Tinkering Components: Battery Casing 1, Grain of Infused Dark Matter
In: Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox, Tinkering Table (Placeable), Guild Tinkering Table (Placeable), Tinkering Table Yield: 1 This combine may only be made by Gnomes
Notes: EQRecipeID: 65801
Learned as: Mana Battery - Class One (Infused Grains)
Trivial at: 54
- Tinkering Components: Battery Casing 1(5), Portion of Infused Dark Matter
In: Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox, Tinkering Table (Placeable), Guild Tinkering Table (Placeable), Tinkering Table Yield: 5 This combine may only be made by Gnomes
Notes: EQRecipeID: 65799
Learned as: Mana Battery - Class One (Infused Dark Matter)
Trivial at: 54
- Tinkering Components: Portion of Infused Dark Matter, Small Battery Casing 1 pack of 5
In: Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox, Tinkering Table (Placeable), Guild Tinkering Table (Placeable), Tinkering Table Yield: 5 This combine may only be made by Gnomes
Notes: EQrecipeID: 65800
Learned as: Mana Battery - Class One (Infused Dark Matter - 5 Pack)
Trivial at: 54
item|recipes|full list
- This item can be Vendor Purchased:
- Iceclad Ocean
- Plane of Innovation
- Plane of Knowledge
- Plane of Sky
- Key Master @ 1385, 601, -654, First island, near zone in
If you see (Restricted) click on (Restricted) to see details. Some items have many recipes not directly related to the main item you're looking up. If you see (subcombines not shown) you will need to click on the item to get its recipes. Items marked with (*) are vendor sold.
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- To make Mana Battery - Class One (Tinkering: Yield 1, trivial 54), (Restricted) Combine the following in a Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox, Tinkering Table (Placeable), Guild Tinkering Table (Placeable), or Tinkering Table
- To make Mana Battery - Class One (Tinkering: Yield 5, trivial 54), (Restricted) Combine the following in a Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox, Tinkering Table (Placeable), Guild Tinkering Table (Placeable), or Tinkering Table
- To make Mana Battery - Class One (Tinkering: Yield 5, trivial 54), (Restricted) Combine the following in a Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, or Collapsible Toolbox
- To make Mana Battery - Class One (Tinkering: Yield 1, trivial 54), (Restricted) Combine the following in a Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox, Tinkering Table (Placeable), Guild Tinkering Table (Placeable), or Tinkering Table
- To make Mana Battery - Class One (Tinkering: Yield 5, trivial 54), (Restricted) Combine the following in a Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox, Tinkering Table (Placeable), Guild Tinkering Table (Placeable), or Tinkering Table
- To make Mana Battery - Class One (Tinkering: Yield 5, trivial 54), (Restricted) Combine the following in a Toolbox, Deluxe Toolbox, Collapsible Toolbox, Tinkering Table (Placeable), Guild Tinkering Table (Placeable), or Tinkering Table
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