Recipes - Tailoring - The Outer Brood
Tailoring continues to find usefulness in making the containers for Cloaks and Shoulders as well as for making the containers for making Armor pieces.
Book: The Invader's Primer: Basics Of Broodcraft
Every masterpiece in crafting begins with a solid foundation. Forge on a reliable base, and you’ll create gear that stands the test of time. Take your smithy hammer and pound voidstone ore into sturdy sheets, quenching then with water.
In the same vein, you can mold and shape voidstone ore into rings perfect for crafting chain armor using pliers, and again quenching them with water.
Seek out animal pelts that have voidstone infused within their fibers. Use Elm Handled Shears to trim these pelts and treat them with specialized chemicals for tanning.
Silk, too, can be found with tiny crystals of voidstone embedded within its threads. Collect eight units and blend them with simple thread using your trusty sewing needle.
With careful craftsmanship and filament silk thread, you can stitch these materials into patches destined to become unparalleled armor. These versatile patches will shed excess when fused with the highest quality voidstone ore you can obtain. Shears won’t be necessary for sizing the leather, but other essential tools are still required.
Certain weapons call for timber enriched with voidstone. Treat it like the leather: plane the wood down to a smooth plank and finish with sandpaper.
Even fish scales can become supple, cloth-like materials. After preparing your fish, save the scales along with the meat. Weave ten scales together to make a patch, then patches for a swatch, and weave ten swatches for a usable sheet.
Finally, voidstone ore can be refined into a jewelry quality material perfect for all sorts of adornments. Heat the ore with two gnomish heat sources until it glows brilliantly, then quench it with water to initiate a reaction that solidifies it back into a gleaming, hard form.
Book: The Invader's Armory: Battle Armor
The first item to consider is the enigmatic voidstone transmogrifant patch, a peculiar creation capable of transforming its shape while producing armor. Each type of armor demands a specific number of these patches: wrist and hand armor require a single patch, while head, foot, and arm armor need two. Leg armor calls for three patches, and chest pieces demand the most, at four patches. Crafting these pieces involves either sewing the patches together with a silk template and needle or hammering them into form using a plate mold and smithy hammer, a testament to their versatility.
Once the base piece is ready, the next step involves adding the armor lining of uprising, a class emblem, and a coat of voidstone fortification medium. Alternatively, the superior option is to use the armor lining of rebellion, enhance it with voidstone invigoration medium, and finish with three doses of voidstone ore powder to imbue the piece with exceptional resilience and power.
Shields are another vital defensive tool, crafting using voidstone infused lumber in varying amounts depending on the shield type. Tower shields require four pieces, medium shields need three and bucklers are formed with just two. Each shield is treated with a layer of high impact lacquer for durability. The true measure of a shield’s strength, however, lies in its enarmes. Shields equipped with enarmes of uprising are formidable, but the ultimate defense comes from those fitted with enarmes of rebellion, bolstered further with a coating of voidstone ore powder for unmatched performance.
Book: The Invader's Catch: Utilizing Fish Scales
As mentioned previously, fish scales can be used to craft materials suitable for cloaks and items like amices, pauldrons, or spaulders. Let’s dive into the process.
You will need the appropriate pattern, such as a shoulder pad or cloak pattern, along with a spool of simple thread, some purified detergent, and a dusting of voidstone power. Should accessories require one fish scale sheet, while cloaks require two. To cut and attach gems to the garment, you will also need cutting tools shaped to match the desired cut of voidstone crystal.
Four shoulder accessories, you can use half-moon and trillion, square and pear or round and oval cut tools and crystals. Cloaks on the other hand, require a round and oval, half-moon and trillion, or marquise and square tools and crystals.
To enhance these items, cloak and shoulder fasteners of uprising work well. For an even greater effect, rebellion fasteners are the way to go. Be sure to add a dose of voidstone ore powder to maximize their potential.
Last Modified By: EQTC Editor Aanuvane
Last Modified on: 2024-11-26 05:16:09
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Nascent Acrobat's Cloak (Adroitness)
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Cloak Pattern, Half-Moon Cut Tool, Half-Moon Cut Voidstone Crystal, Purified Detergent, Spool of Simple Thread, Trillion Cut Tool, Trillion Cut Voidstone Crystal, Voidstone Infused Fish Scale Sheet(2), Voidstone Ore Powder In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Half-Moon Cut Tool(1), Trillion Cut Tool(1) On Failure Returns: Half-Moon Cut Tool, Trillion Cut Tool, Half-Moon Cut Voidstone Crystal, Trillion Cut Voidstone Crystal Notes: EQRecipeID: 41166 |
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Nascent Arms Armor
WT: 1.4 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Sewing Needle, Silk Sleeve Template Pattern, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch(2) In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Sewing Needle(1) On Failure Returns: Sewing Needle, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch Notes: EQRecipeID: 41148 |
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Nascent Chest Armor
WT: 2.9 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Sewing Needle, Silk Robe Template Pattern, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch(4) In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Sewing Needle(1) On Failure Returns: Sewing Needle, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch(3) Notes: EQRecipeID: 41150 |
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Nascent Duelist's Spaulders (Adroitness)
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Half-Moon Cut Tool, Half-Moon Cut Voidstone Crystal, Purified Detergent, Shoulderpad Pattern, Spool of Simple Thread, Trillion Cut Tool, Trillion Cut Voidstone Crystal, Voidstone Infused Fish Scale Sheet, Voidstone Ore Powder In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Half-Moon Cut Tool(1), Trillion Cut Tool(1) On Failure Returns: Half-Moon Cut Tool, Trillion Cut Tool, Half-Moon Cut Voidstone Crystal, Trillion Cut Voidstone Crystal Notes: EQRecipeID: 41163 |
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Nascent Feet Armor
WT: 1.3 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Sewing Needle, Silk Boot Template Pattern, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch(2) In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Sewing Needle(1) On Failure Returns: Sewing Needle, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch Notes: EQRecipeID: 41146 |
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Nascent Guardian's Cloak (Security)
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Cloak Pattern, Marquise Cut Tool, Marquise Cut Voidstone Crystal, Purified Detergent, Spool of Simple Thread, Square Cut Tool, Square Cut Voidstone Crystal, Voidstone Infused Fish Scale Sheet(2), Voidstone Ore Powder In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Square Cut Tool(1), Marquise Cut Tool(1) On Failure Returns: Square Cut Tool, Marquise Cut Tool, Marquise Cut Voidstone Crystal, Square Cut Voidstone Crystal Notes: EQRecipeID: 41164 |
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Nascent Guardian's Pauldrons (Vigor)
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Pear Cut Tool, Pear Cut Voidstone Crystal, Purified Detergent, Shoulderpad Pattern, Spool of Simple Thread, Square Cut Tool, Square Cut Voidstone Crystal, Voidstone Infused Fish Scale Sheet, Voidstone Ore Powder In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Square Cut Tool(1), Pear Cut Tool(1) On Failure Returns: Square Cut Tool, Pear Cut Tool, Square Cut Voidstone Crystal, Pear Cut Voidstone Crystal Notes: EQRecipeID: 41161 |
202 |
Nascent Hands Armor
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Sewing Needle, Silk Glove Template Pattern, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Sewing Needle(1) On Failure Returns: Sewing Needle Notes: EQRecipeID: 41145 |
510 |
Nascent Head Armor
WT: 1.8 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Sewing Needle, Silk Cap Template Pattern, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch(2) In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Sewing Needle(1) On Failure Returns: Sewing Needle, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch Notes: EQRecipeID: 41147 |
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Nascent Legs Armor
WT: 2.1 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Sewing Needle, Silk Pant Template Pattern, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch(3) In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Sewing Needle(1) On Failure Returns: Sewing Needle, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch(2) Notes: EQRecipeID: 41149 |
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Nascent Mystic's Cloak (Brilliance)
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Cloak Pattern, Oval Cut Tool, Oval Cut Voidstone Crystal, Purified Detergent, Round Cut Tool, Round Cut Voidstone Crystal, Spool of Simple Thread, Voidstone Infused Fish Scale Sheet(2), Voidstone Ore Powder In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Round Cut Tool(1), Oval Cut Tool(1) On Failure Returns: Round Cut Tool, Oval Cut Tool, Round Cut Voidstone Crystal, Oval Cut Voidstone Crystal Notes: EQRecipeID: 41165 |
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Nascent Sage's Amice (Brilliance)
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Oval Cut Tool, Oval Cut Voidstone Crystal, Purified Detergent, Round Cut Tool, Round Cut Voidstone Crystal, Shoulderpad Pattern, Spool of Simple Thread, Voidstone Infused Fish Scale Sheet, Voidstone Ore Powder In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Round Cut Tool(1), Oval Cut Tool(1) On Failure Returns: Round Cut Tool, Oval Cut Tool, Round Cut Voidstone Crystal, Oval Cut Voidstone Crystal Notes: EQRecipeID: 41162 |
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Nascent Wrist Armor
WT: 1.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Sewing Needle, Silk Wristband Template Pattern, Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Sewing Needle(1) On Failure Returns: Sewing Needle Notes: EQRecipeID: 41144 |
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Voidstone Infused Heavy Fabric
WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Sewing Needle, Spool of Simple Thread, Voidstone Infused Silk(8) In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Sewing Needle(1) On Failure Returns: Sewing Needle Notes: EQRecipeID: 41104 |
423 |
Voidstone Infused Leather
WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Elm Handled Shears, Tanning Chemicals, Voidstone Infused Hide In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Elm Handled Shears(1) On Failure Returns: Elm Handled Shears Notes: EQRecipeID: 41103 |
423 |
Voidstone Transmogrifant Patch
WT: 1.5 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Components: Filament Silk Thread, Pliers, Sewing Needle, Smithy Hammer, Voidstone Infused Chainmail Links, Voidstone Infused Heavy Fabric, Voidstone Infused Leather, Voidstone Infused Sheet In: Deluxe Sewing Kit, Loom, Loom (Placeable), Guild Loom (Placeable) Yield: 1 Also Returns: Smithy Hammer(1), Sewing Needle(1), Pliers(1) On Failure Returns: Smithy Hammer, Sewing Needle, Pliers Notes: EQRecipeID: 41106 |
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