Sources for Southern Felwithe (Original)
- Alchemy
- a spell research merchant
Water Flask, Empty Vial
- a spell research merchant (2)
Gnomish Heat Source
- a spell research merchant (4)
Celestial Solvent
- Merchant Tyslin at 450, -775, -2 (inside merchant building)
- Merchant Yisasan at 448, -805, -2 (inside merchant building)
Katuka Bark, Cententialspore, Tregrum, Gerti Blossom, Small Vial, Arnworth
- Jewelcraft
- a spell research merchant
Water Flask, Peridot, Cat's Eye Agate, Jasper, Pearl, Bloodstone
- a spell research merchant (2)
Gnomish Heat Source
- Merchant Earlyn at 464, -348, 5 (in Wizards' Guild)
Cat's Eye Agate, Peridot, Jasper, Bloodstone
- Merchant Jewyln at 567, -609, -8 (in Magicians' Guild)
Wolf's Eye Agate, Peridot, Malachite
- Merchant Lyssia at 580, -872, 5 (in Enchanters' Guild)
Jasper, Bloodstone, Cat's Eye Agate, Star Rose Quartz, Peridot
- Merchant Tyslin at 450, -775, -2 (inside merchant building)
Marquise Cut Earring Jewelry Mold, Pear Cut Ring Jewelry Mold, Trillion Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold, Solo Setting Tool, Jade, Fine Sand, Oval Cut Earring Jewelry Mold, Round Cut Ring Jewelry Mold, Lapis Lazuli, Earring Mold, Small Gem Glue Solvent, Carnelian, Topaz, Ruby, Half-Moon Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold, Pear Cut Earring Jewelry Mold, Square Cut Ring Jewelry Mold, Cat's Eye Agate, Veil Mold, Onyx, Numinous Weapon Augmenting, Amber, Marquise Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold, Round Cut Earring Jewelry Mold, Malachite, Trillion Cut Ring Jewelry Mold, Delicate Gem Glue Solvent, Pearl, Emerald, Grinding Powder, Oval Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold, Square Cut Earring Jewelry Mold, Turquoise, Ring Mold, Illustrious Weapon Augmenting by Jewelcrafting, Star Rose Quartz, Peridot, Half-Moon Cut Ring Jewelry Mold, Pear Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold, Trillion Cut Earring Jewelry Mold, Pendant Mold, Jasper, Transcendent Weapon Augmenting, Marquise Cut Ring Jewelry Mold, Round Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold, Square Cut Tool, Bloodstone, Large Gem Glue Solvent, Opal, Half-Moon Cut Earring Jewelry Mold, Oval Cut Ring Jewelry Mold, Square Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold, Hematite, Bracelet Mold, Temporite and Compartmented Jewelry
- Stormy at 462, -459, 5 (In wizard guild)
Blessed Water of Karana, Water of the Skeptic, Blessed Water of Mithaniel Marr, Blessed Water of Tunare, Blessed Water of Erollisi Marr, Blessed Water of Solusek Ro
- Pottery
- a spell research merchant
Water Flask
- Merchant Jewyln at 567, -609, -8 (in Magicians' Guild)
Wolf's Eye Agate
- Merchant Tyslin at 450, -775, -2 (inside merchant building)
Platinum Embossing, Opal, Embossing Sketch, Carnelian, Gold Embossing, Dragon Rune Sketch
- Srell Tumblebrook at 448, -811, -1
Spell: Bind Affinity
- Spell Research
- a spell research merchant
Ink of Infliction, Water Flask, Makeshift Binding Solution, Ink of Fending, Bloodstone, Martial Treatment, Systematic Tome Research Vol. 5, Quill of the Deceiver, Binding Solution, Rune Binding Solution, Ink of Transformation, Ink of Striking, Elementary Binding Solution, Frenzied Treatment, Pearl, Systematic Tome Research Vol. 3, Quill, Quill of the Martial, Ornate Binding Solution, Ink of Screening, Striking Thickener, Empty Vial, Quill of the Fury, Crude Binding Solution, Cat's Eye Agate, Simple Binding Solution, Rallos' Ink Additive, Systematic Tome Research Vol. 1, Peridot, Dagger, Ink of Smashing, Intricate Binding Solution, Ink of Retort, Impairing Thickener, Systematic Tome Research Vol. 4, Tiny Dagger, Quill of the Overlord, Modest Binding Solution, Refined Binding Solution, Ink of Decay, Toxic Treatment, The Scent of Marr, Piece of Parchment, Quill of the Transcendent, Elaborate Binding Solution, Defending Treatment, Systematic Tome Research Vol. 2
- a spell research merchant (2)
Aqua Fortis, Rock Salt, Tome Binding Kit, Fine Parchment Solution, Ink of Reach, Veeshan's Ink Additive, Quill of the Arch Convoker, Quill of the Knight, Oil of Vitrol, Runic Parchment Solution, Divine Treatment, Ink of Obstruction, Ink of Proficiency, Luclin's Ink Additive, Ro's Ink Additive, Tome Cover Supplies, Charta Arcanum Solution, Quill of the Coercer, Arcane Thickener, Runic Charta Arcanum Solution, Gnomish Heat Source, Quill of the Prophet, Hybrid Research Kit, Enchanting Treatment, Ink of the Martyr, Knight's Treatment, Ink of Deftness, Quill of the Arcane, Quill of the Feral Lord, Aqua Regia, Fine Vellum Parchment Solution, Crude Hide Solution, Ink of Bruising, Ink of Barrage, Necrotic Treatment, Quill of the Arch Lich, Al'Kabor Thickener, Rough Charta Arcanum Solution, Quill of the Lord Protector, Stiff Hide Solution, Vellum Parchment Solution, E'ci's Ink Additive, Ink of Expedition, Holy Treatment, Ink of Affliction, Saryrn's Ink Additive, Quill of the Divine, Cazic's Ink Additive, Quill of the Storm Warden, Prayer Writing Kit, Rough Hide Solution, Ink of Clout, Quill of the Arcanist, Fine Runic Charta Arcanum Solution, Quill of the Forest Stalker, Extending Thickener, Vial of Muriatic Acid, Arcane Treatment, Parchment Solution, Ink of Myopsis, Ink of Catastrophe, Quill of the Archon, Quill of the Maestro, Song Writing Kit, Bertoxxulous' Ink Additive, Elemental Treatment, Ink of Finesse, Ink Additive of the Nameless, Ink of Breaching, Thaumaturge Treatment, Fine Charta Arcanum Solution, Quill of the Dread Lord
- a spell research merchant (3)
Cinnabar Powder, Ink of Cazic-Thule, Galena Powder, Ink of Rainbows, Limonite Powder, Ink of the Dal, Mercury Powder, Ink of the Serpent, Enervating Thickener, Invigorating Thickener, Alum Powder, Ink of Forgetfulness, Hematite Powder, Ink of Terris-Thule, Ink of the Listless, Ink of Tunare, Soothing Thickener, Lye, Catechu Pigment, Ink of Ayonae Ro, Ink of Pain, Ink of the Cat, Malachite Powder, Ink of the Rathe, Tin Powder, Consuming Thickener, Coal Powder, Ink of Druzzil Ro, Graphite Powder, Ink of Ro, Litharge Powder, Ink of the Eagle, Ink of the Tribunal, Expatiating Thickener, Azurite Powder, Ink of Innoruuk, Ink of the Bear, Madder Pigment, Ink of the Monkey, Ink of Xegony, Assuaging Thickener, Talisman Thickener, Chromium Powder, Ink of Bertoxxulous, Fustic Pigment, Ink of Prexus, Lapis Lazuli Powder, Ink of the Companion, Manganese Powder, Ink of the Rhino, Titanium Powder, Debilitating Thickener, Copper Powder, Ink of E'ci, Gypsum Powder, Ink of Saryrn, Logwood Pigment, Ink of the Erudite, Prismatic Pigment, Ink of Tranquility, Ameliorating Thickener, Mitigating Thickener, Ink of Alacrity, Ink of Marr, Ink of the Boar, Magnetite Powder, Ink of the Nameless, Ink of Zek, Conjuring Thickener
- a spell research merchant (4)
Runic Hide Solution, Rough Hide Solution, Fine Runic Paper Solution, Rough Paper Solution, Celestial Solvent, Vellum Solution, Fine Hide Solution, Fine Runic Spell Scroll Solution, Runic Paper Solution, Hide Solution, Fine Paper Solution, Paper Solution, Runic Vellum Solution, Raw Rough Hide, Thrayniis, Supple Runic Hide Solution, Fine Runic Papyrus Solution, Rough Papyrus Solution, Fine Runic Vellum Solution, Invigorating Thickener, Fine Runic Hide Solution, Fine Spell Scroll Solution, Runic Papyrus Solution, Raw Stiff Hide, Supple Hide Solution, Fine Papyrus Solution, Papyrus Solution, Spell Scroll Solution, Crude Hide Solution, Fine Runic Parchment Solution, Rough Spell Scroll Solution, Stiff Hide Solution, Fine Supple Runic Hide Solution, Crude Spell Scroll Solution, Fine Vellum Solution, Runic Spell Scroll Solution, Raw Crude Hide
- Elle Leafdancer at 664, -514, -6
Spell: Lesser Summoning: Air, Spell: Summoning: Earth, Spell: Minor Summoning: Water
- Griff Candleflame at 720, -514, -6
Spell: Elemental: Fire, Spell: Elemental: Air, Spell: Elemental: Water, Spell: Elemental: Earth
- Merchant Earlyn at 464, -348, 5 (in Wizards' Guild)
Piece of Parchment, Cat's Eye Agate, Quill, Bloodstone, Peridot, Dagger
- Merchant Jewyln at 567, -609, -8 (in Magicians' Guild)
Rough Charta Arcanum Solution, Peridot, Dagger, Fine Runic Charta Arcanum Solution, Piece of Parchment, Fine Charta Arcanum Solution, Charta Arcanum Solution, Runic Charta Arcanum Solution, Quill
- Merchant Lyssia at 580, -872, 5 (in Enchanters' Guild)
Quill, Bloodstone, Tiny Dagger, Peridot, Dagger, Piece of Parchment, Cat's Eye Agate, Star Rose Quartz
- Merchant Tyslin at 450, -775, -2 (inside merchant building)
Peridot, Amber, Opal, Cat's Eye Agate, Star Rose Quartz, Jade, Topaz, Ruby, Bloodstone, Pearl, Emerald
- Osisa Goldenspear at 664, -528, -6
Spell: Greater Summoning: Air, Spell: Lesser Conjuration: Air, Spell: Greater Summoning: Fire, Spell: Minor Conjuration: Earth, Spell: Minor Conjuration: Water
- Srell Tumblebrook at 448, -811, -1
Spell: Cancel Magic
- Tinkering
- a spell research merchant
Water Flask, Peridot
- a spell research merchant (2)
Gnomish Heat Source
- Merchant Earlyn at 464, -348, 5 (in Wizards' Guild)
- Merchant Jewyln at 567, -609, -8 (in Magicians' Guild)
- Merchant Lyssia at 580, -872, 5 (in Enchanters' Guild)
- Merchant Tyslin at 450, -775, -2 (inside merchant building)
Opal, Peridot
- Stormy at 462, -459, 5 (In wizard guild)
Water of the Skeptic
- Cast Spell
- a spell research merchant
Pearl, Peridot
- Alicia Starshimmer at 607, -935, 4 (in Enchanters' Guild)
Spell: Enchant Silver, Spell: Enchant Platinum, Spell: Enchant Clay, Spell: Enchant Electrum, Spell: Enchant Gold, Spell: Enchant Mithril
- Merchant Earlyn at 464, -348, 5 (in Wizards' Guild)
- Merchant Jewyln at 567, -609, -8 (in Magicians' Guild)
- Merchant Lyssia at 580, -872, 5 (in Enchanters' Guild)
Peridot, Spell: Enchant Mithril, Star Rose Quartz
- Merchant Tyslin at 450, -775, -2 (inside merchant building)
Pearl, Emerald, Peridot, Amber, Opal, Star Rose Quartz, Jade, Topaz, Ruby
- Non Tradeskill
- a spell research merchant
Warlock's Book of Binding, Enchanted Scrolls, On Languages, Lexicon, Ipsor's Enlightenment IV, Phantasmal Tome, Book of Dark Bindings, Sorcerer's Lexicon, Throwing Knife, Telryd's Writ, Elemental Grimoire, Ipsor's Enlightenment III, Rapier, Arch Magus Grimoire, Book of Ancient Restoration, Doctrine of Wizardry, The Wizard's Canon, Wrist Pouch, Tome of Endless Enchantments, Zeannor's Thesis, Telryd's Expansive Writ
- a spell research merchant (2)
Zebuxoruk's Ink Additive, Book Binding, Spell Research Kit
- a spell research merchant (3)
Systematic Spell Research Vol. 3, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 6, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 2, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 5, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 1, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 7, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 4, Acid of the Kings
- a spell research merchant (4)
Systematic Spell Research Vol. 5, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 1, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 7, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 4, Systematic Spell Research Addendum: Paper, Acid of the Kings, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 3, Systematic Spell Research Addendum: Hides, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 2, Systematic Spell Research Addendum: Summoning
- Berill Gladeleaper at 531, -869, 5
Spell: Illusion: Erudite, Spell: Illusion: Tree, Spell: Illusion: Dark Elf, Spell: Illusion: Half Elf, Spell: Illusion: Ogre, Spell: Illusion: Wood Elf, Spell: Illusion: Dwarf, Spell: Illusion: Barbarian, Spell: Illusion: Gnome, Spell: Illusion: High Elf, Spell: Illusion: Human, Spell: Illusion: Troll
- Celent Newmist at 450, -340, 5
Spell: Shock of Fire, Spell: Fire Bolt, Spell: Shadow Step, Spell: Fingers of Fire, Spell: Numbing Cold, Spell: Frost Bolt, Spell: Icestrike, Spell: Shock of Ice, Spell: Blast of Cold, Spell: Column of Frost, Spell: Fade, Spell: O`Keil's Radiation, Spell: Sphere of Light
- Elle Leafdancer at 664, -514, -6
Spell: Phantom Leather, Spell: Bolt of Flame, Spell: Rain of Fire, Spell: Malaise, Spell: Flame Flux, Spell: Elemental Shield, Spell: Shock of Flame, Spell: Renew Summoning, Spell: Shock of Spikes, Spell: Shield of Flame
- Est Treewalker at 593, -911, 5
Spell: Augmentation, Spell: Invoke Fear, Spell: Cajoling Whispers, Spell: Rampage, Spell: Pacify, Spell: Anarchy, Spell: Insight, Spell: Dyn`s Dizzying Draught, Spell: Obscure, Spell: Cast Sight, Spell: Rune III, Spell: Shade, Spell: Suffocate, Spell: Curse of the Simple Mind, Spell: Clarity, Spell: Entrance
- Griff Candleflame at 720, -514, -6
Spell: Eye of Zomm, Spell: Elementaling: Air, Spell: Ward Summoned, Spell: Renew Elements, Spell: Burnout, Spell: Elementaling: Water, Spell: Column of Fire, Spell: Flame Bolt, Spell: Shield of Fire, Spell: Elementaling: Fire, Spell: Shock of Blades, Spell: Rain of Blades, Spell: Elementaling: Earth
- Merchant Earlyn at 464, -348, 5 (in Wizards' Guild)
Ipsor's Enlightenment III, Wrist Pouch, Rapier, Doctrine of Wizardry, The Wizard's Canon, Throwing Knife, Green Jr Apprentice Robe*, Lexicon, Green Sr Apprentice Robe*, Ipsor's Enlightenment IV
- Merchant Jewyln at 567, -609, -8 (in Magicians' Guild)
Aquamarine, Throwing Knife, Telryd's Writ, Elemental Grimoire, Green Jr Apprentice Robe*, Green Sr Apprentice Robe*, Malagil's Compendium Vol. 2, Broken Block of Ore, Staff, Wrist Pouch, Telryd's Expansive Writ, Water of Povar, Malagil's Compendium Vol. 1, Rehim's Robe
- Merchant Lyssia at 580, -872, 5 (in Enchanters' Guild)
The End of an Age, Throwing Knife, Book of Ancient Restoration, Green Jr Apprentice Robe*, Green Sr Apprentice Robe*, Tome of Endless Enchantments, Wrist Pouch, Rapier
- Merchant Moonthread at 436, -872, -2 (inside merchant building)
Cloth Cord, Cloth Veil, Small Sewing Kit, Cloth Wristband, Cloth Shawl, Cloth Choker, Cloth Gloves, How To Sew: Medium Sizes, Cloth Cape, Cloth Cap, Cloth Sleeves, Cloth Shirt, Cloth Pants
- Merchant Tyslin at 450, -775, -2 (inside merchant building)
Koada`Dal Silk, The Basics of Jewelcrafting, Jeweler's Kit
- Merchant Yisasan at 448, -805, -2 (inside merchant building)
Spring Crystal, Pale Green Potion, Chipped Bone Rod, Bark Potion, Wrist Pouch, Dufrenite, Cloudy Potion, Potion of Light Healing, Fish Gill Extract, Harvest Crystal, Crystallized Pumice, Murky Vial, Vial of Swirling Smoke, Crimson Potion
- Nestess Branchtop at 496, -929, 6
Spell: Gasping Embrace, Spell: Shadow, Spell: Swift like the Wind, Spell: Weakness, Spell: Brilliance, Spell: Discordant Mind, Spell: Group Resist Magic, Spell: Berserker Spirit, Spell: Dazzle, Spell: Adorning Grace, Spell: Rune IV
- Osisa Goldenspear at 664, -528, -6
Spell: Blaze, Spell: Rain of Spikes, Spell: Dismiss Summoned, Spell: Barrier of Combustion, Spell: Phantom Chain, Spell: Rain of Lava, Spell: Inferno Shield, Spell: Cinder Bolt, Spell: Burnout II, Spell: Lesser Conjuration: Fire, Spell: Flame Arc, Spell: Expel Summoned
- Porra at 577, -801, 3
Spell: Charm, Spell: Whirl till you hurl, Spell: Alliance, Spell: Soothe, Spell: Memory Blur, Spell: Ebbing Strength, Spell: Serpent Sight, Spell: Chaotic Feedback, Spell: Mist, Spell: Bind Sight, Spell: Sentinel, Spell: Choke, Spell: Languid Pace, Spell: Eye of Confusion
- Quiss Stormseeker at 465, -439, 5
Spell: Common Gate, Spell: Ro Gate, Spell: Evacuate: Ro, Spell: North Gate, Spell: Nek Gate, Spell: Evacuate: North, Spell: West Gate, Spell: Evacuate: Nek, Spell: Fay Gate, Spell: Cazic Gate, Spell: Evacuate: Fay, Spell: Tox Gate, Spell: Evacuate: West
- Reff Truewood at 692, -489, -6
Spell: Burnout III, Spell: Greater Conjuration: Earth, Spell: Shield of Lava, Spell: Rain of Swords, Spell: Banish Summoned, Spell: Phantom Plate, Spell: Elemental Armor, Spell: Lava Bolt, Spell: Shock of Swords
- Seren the Swift at 511, -910, 5
Spell: Feckless Might, Spell: Rune II, Spell: Sympathetic Aura, Spell: Invisibility vs Undead, Spell: Chase the Moon, Spell: Shifting Sight, Spell: Benevolence, Spell: Enthrall, Spell: Calm, Spell: Tashani, Spell: Chaos Flux, Spell: Beguile, Spell: Rune I, Spell: Sanity Warp, Spell: Cloud
- Serri Moonwatcher at 437, -451, 5
Spell: Heat Sight, Spell: Bind Sight, Spell: Gaze, Spell: Sight, Spell: Sense Summoned, Spell: Eye of Zomm, Spell: Chill Sight, Spell: Magnify, Spell: Harvest, Spell: Shifting Sight, Spell: Halo of Light, Spell: Glimpse
- Srell Tumblebrook at 448, -811, -1
Spell: Major Shielding, Spell: See Invisible, Spell: Shielding, Spell: Greater Shielding, Spell: Lesser Shielding, Spell: Arch Shielding, Spell: Identify, Spell: Minor Shielding
- Stormy at 462, -459, 5 (In wizard guild)
Spell: Cazic Portal, Spell: Alter Plane: Hate, Spell: Fay Portal, Spell: Ro Portal, Spell: Tox Portal, Spell: Nek Portal, Spell: West Portal, Spell: Common Portal, Spell: North Portal, Spell: Alter Plane: Sky
- Vellera Wintergreen at 719, -528, -6
Spell: Summon Dagger, Spell: Elementalkin: Fire, Spell: Burn, Spell: Summon Wisp, Spell: Reclaim Energy, Spell: Fire Flux, Spell: Elementalkin: Air, Spell: Sense Summoned, Spell: Flare, Spell: Elementalkin: Earth, Spell: Elementalkin: Water, Spell: Summon Bandages
- Xista Finder at 527, -800, 5
Spell: Enfeeblement, Spell: Suffocating Sphere, Spell: Shallow Breath, Spell: Taper Enchantment, Spell: Tashan, Spell: Lull, Spell: Mesmerize, Spell: Minor Illusion, Spell: Color Flux, Spell: Haze, Spell: Juli`s Animation, Spell: Fear, Spell: Pendril's Animation, Spell: Weaken
- No Skill
- a spell research merchant
Enchanted Scrolls, Book of Dark Bindings, Roll of Vellum, Bloodstone, Sorcerer's Lexicon, Throwing Knife, Ipsor's Enlightenment III, Quill, The Wizard's Canon, Pearl, Elemental Grimoire, Roll of Plain Parchment, Arch Magus Grimoire, Doctrine of Wizardry, On Languages, Telryd's Writ, Roll of High Quality Vellum, Book of Ancient Restoration, Cat's Eye Agate, Rapier, Zeannor's Thesis, Telryd's Expansive Writ, Piece of Parchment, Roll of Good Quality Vellum, Warlock's Book of Binding, Wrist Pouch, Tome of Endless Enchantments, Water Flask, Roll of Superb Vellum, Lexicon, Ipsor's Enlightenment IV, Large Bottle of Ink, Jasper, Phantasmal Tome
- a spell research merchant (2)
Systematic Discoveries, Zebuxoruk's Ink Additive, Book Binding, Spell Research Kit
- a spell research merchant (3)
Systematic Spell Research Vol. 2, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 6, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 1, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 5, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 7, Acid of the Kings, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 4, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 3
- a spell research merchant (4)
Systematic Spell Research Vol. 3, Systematic Spell Research Addendum: Paper, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 2, Systematic Spell Research Addendum: Hides, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 1, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 5, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 7, Acid of the Kings, Systematic Spell Research Vol. 4, Systematic Spell Research Addendum: Summoning
- Berill Gladeleaper at 531, -869, 5
Spell: Illusion: Human, Spell: Illusion: Troll, Spell: Illusion: Erudite, Spell: Illusion: Tree, Spell: Illusion: Dark Elf, Spell: Illusion: Half Elf, Spell: Illusion: Ogre, Spell: Illusion: Wood Elf, Spell: Illusion: Dwarf, Spell: Illusion: Barbarian, Spell: Illusion: Gnome, Spell: Illusion: High Elf
- Celent Newmist at 450, -340, 5
Spell: Icestrike, Spell: Blast of Cold, Spell: Column of Frost, Spell: Frost Bolt, Spell: Fade, Spell: O`Keil's Radiation, Spell: Sphere of Light, Spell: Shock of Fire, Spell: Fire Bolt, Spell: Shock of Ice, Spell: Shadow Step, Spell: Fingers of Fire, Spell: Numbing Cold
- Elle Leafdancer at 664, -514, -6
Spell: Malaise
- Est Treewalker at 593, -911, 5
Spell: Shade, Spell: Celerity, Spell: Clarity, Spell: Entrance, Spell: Pacify, Spell: Suffocate, Spell: Cajoling Whispers, Spell: Dyn`s Dizzying Draught, Spell: Insight, Spell: Augmentation, Spell: Rampage, Spell: Cast Sight, Spell: Obscure, Spell: Anarchy, Spell: Invoke Fear, Spell: Rune III, Spell: Curse of the Simple Mind, Spell: Listless Power
- Merchant Earlyn at 464, -348, 5 (in Wizards' Guild)
Doctrine of Wizardry, Cat's Eye Agate, Rapier, Throwing Knife, Quill, Ipsor's Enlightenment IV, Jasper, Lexicon, Bloodstone, Ipsor's Enlightenment III, The Wizard's Canon, Piece of Parchment, Wrist Pouch
- Merchant Jewyln at 567, -609, -8 (in Magicians' Guild)
Telryd's Writ, Telryd's Expansive Writ, Piece of Parchment, Wrist Pouch, Staff, Throwing Knife, Quill, Aquamarine, Elemental Grimoire, Malachite
- Merchant Lyssia at 580, -872, 5 (in Enchanters' Guild)
Throwing Knife, Quill, Book of Ancient Restoration, Jasper, Bloodstone, Tome of Endless Enchantments, Piece of Parchment, Wrist Pouch, Star Rose Quartz, Cat's Eye Agate, Rapier
- Merchant Moonthread at 436, -872, -2 (inside merchant building)
Cloth Shawl, How To Sew: Medium Sizes, Cloth Choker, Cloth Gloves, Cloth Cape, Cloth Cap, Cloth Sleeves, Cloth Shirt, Cloth Pants, Cloth Cord, Cloth Veil, Cloth Wristband, Small Sewing Kit
- Merchant Tyslin at 450, -775, -2 (inside merchant building)
Hematite, Amber, Jeweler's Kit, Lapis Lazuli, Star Rose Quartz, The Basics of Jewelcrafting, Cat's Eye Agate, Onyx, Jade, Malachite, Topaz, Turquoise, Numinous Weapon Augmenting, Jasper, Pearl, Bloodstone
- Merchant Yisasan at 448, -805, -2 (inside merchant building)
Potion of Light Healing, Fish Gill Extract, Dufrenite, Harvest Crystal, Crystallized Pumice, Wrist Pouch, Murky Vial, Vial of Swirling Smoke, Crimson Potion, Spring Crystal, Pale Green Potion, Chipped Bone Rod, Bark Potion, Cloudy Potion
- Nestess Branchtop at 496, -929, 6
Spell: Adorning Grace, Spell: Group Resist Magic, Spell: Rune IV, Spell: Incapacitate, Spell: Shadow, Spell: Swift like the Wind, Spell: Dazzle, Spell: Weakness, Spell: Berserker Spirit, Spell: Gasping Embrace, Spell: Brilliance, Spell: Discordant Mind
- Osisa Goldenspear at 664, -528, -6
Spell: Expel Summoned, Spell: Dismiss Summoned
- Porra at 577, -801, 3
Spell: Choke, Spell: Charm, Spell: Whirl till you hurl, Spell: Alliance, Spell: Memory Blur, Spell: Serpent Sight, Spell: Chaotic Feedback, Spell: Soothe, Spell: Sentinel, Spell: Enduring Breath, Spell: Ebbing Strength, Spell: Languid Pace, Spell: Bind Sight, Spell: Eye of Confusion, Spell: Mist
- Quiss Stormseeker at 465, -439, 5
Spell: Evacuate: West, Spell: Evacuate: Ro, Spell: Evacuate: North, Spell: Evacuate: Nek, Spell: Evacuate: Fay
- Reff Truewood at 692, -489, -6
Spell: Conjuration: Fire, Spell: Malaisement, Spell: Elemental Armor
- Seren the Swift at 511, -910, 5
Spell: Beguile, Spell: Tashani, Spell: Rune I, Spell: Feckless Might, Spell: Cloud, Spell: Chaos Flux, Spell: Rune II, Spell: Chase the Moon, Spell: Calm, Spell: Sympathetic Aura, Spell: Quickness, Spell: Alacrity, Spell: Benevolence, Spell: Enthrall, Spell: Invisibility vs Undead, Spell: Sanity Warp, Spell: Shifting Sight
- Serri Moonwatcher at 437, -451, 5
Spell: Harvest, Spell: Bind Sight, Spell: Shifting Sight, Spell: Chill Sight, Spell: Magnify
- Srell Tumblebrook at 448, -811, -1
Spell: Minor Shielding, Spell: Greater Shielding, Spell: Lesser Shielding, Spell: True North, Spell: Gate, Spell: Shielding, Spell: Cancel Magic, Spell: Root, Spell: Arch Shielding, Spell: Identify, Spell: See Invisible, Spell: Major Shielding, Spell: Bind Affinity, Spell: Invisibility
- Stormy at 462, -459, 5 (In wizard guild)
Spell: Nek Portal, Spell: Tox Portal, Spell: West Portal, Spell: Alter Plane: Sky, Spell: Cazic Portal, Spell: Alter Plane: Hate, Spell: Common Portal, Spell: Fay Portal, Spell: Ro Portal
- Vellera Wintergreen at 719, -528, -6
Spell: Reclaim Energy, Spell: Burst of Flame, Spell: Summon Dagger, Spell: Summon Food, Spell: Summon Drink
- Xista Finder at 527, -800, 5
Spell: Fear, Spell: Strengthen, Spell: Haze, Spell: Shallow Breath, Spell: Enfeeblement, Spell: Weaken, Spell: Juli`s Animation, Spell: Lull, Spell: Minor Illusion, Spell: Tashan, Spell: Mesmerize, Spell: Pendril's Animation
- Tailoring
- Yuin Starchaser at 450, -600 (in the casters' guild)
Tattered Cap Pattern, Art Keepers Initiate Staff, Tattered Boot Pattern, Tattered Robe Pattern, Tattered Wristband Pattern, Rough Art Keepers Initiate Staff, Tattered Sleeve Pattern, Curing Kit, Tattered Glove Pattern, Tattered Pant Pattern
- Tailoring
- Loom at 445, -790 (inside merchant building)
© 2003-24 Niami Denmother. The fine print. This is a research and information site. All of the information on this site has been gathered and submitted by the players and Niami Denmother. While we try our best to keep the information here as accurate and up to date as possible, rely upon it at your own risk. By submitting information and graphics to this site, you are granting us permission to use the materials in any way that we deem appropriate. EverQuest is a registered trademark of Darkpaw Games LLC. Except as is disclosed on the "about" page, this site has no official connection with EverQuest or Darkpaw Games LLC. All information, articles and graphics on this site are the copyright of EQ Traders Corner, its owners and/or Darkpaw Games LLC and may not be copied or reprinted without the express written approval of the copyright holder. This site is not meant to represent official EverQuest (Darkpaw Games) policy, and we are not responsible for errors and/or omissions that occur due to changes in EverQuest trade skills or information that we received from the community that is in error. Hosted By: