Sources for Timorous Falls ()
Mob Drop
- No Skill
- a carrion jackal
Devotee's Focus of Legacies Lost
- a dark chest
Valiant Earring Clasp, Valiant Mask Fastener, Valiant Arm Armor Lining, Valiant Feet Armor Lining, Valiant Shield Enarmes, Valiant Chest Armor Lining, Valiant Idol Polishing Cloth, Valiant Essence of Finesse, Valiant Necklace Clasp, Valiant Belt Buckle, Valiant Hand Armor Lining, Valiant String Serving, Valiant Cloak Fastener, Valiant Leg Armor Lining, Valiant Amice Fastener, Valiant Essence of Power, Valiant Ring Polishing Cloth, Valiant Charm Polishing Cloth, Valiant Head Armor Lining, Valiant Wrist Armor Lining
- a devout stabber
Devotee's Focus of Legacies Lost
- A Rallosian Lunatic
Gallant Arm Armor Lining, Gallant Chest Armor Lining, Gallant Head Armor Lining, Acolyte's Focus of Legacies Lost, Gallant Hand Armor Lining, Gallant Leg Armor Lining, Gallant Feet Armor Lining, Gallant Wrist Armor Lining
- A Rallosian Sorcerer
Gallant Idol Polishing Cloth, Gallant Belt Buckle, Gallant Mask Fastener, Acolyte's Focus of Legacies Lost, Gallant Cloak Fastener, Gallant Earring Clasp, Gallant Necklace Clasp, Gallant Amice Fastener, Gallant Charm Polishing Cloth, Gallant Ring Polishing Cloth
- a terrible pest
Devotee's Focus of Legacies Lost
- a thaumaturge fanatic
Devotee's Focus of Legacies Lost
- an exiled bloodhound
Devotee's Focus of Legacies Lost
- an imbued whipgrass
Devotee's Focus of Legacies Lost
- Big Dipper
Gallant Focus of Heroism, Gallant Focus of Fortitude, Acolyte's Focus of Legacies Lost
- Bunion
Gallant Focus of Heroism, Gallant Focus of Fortitude, Acolyte's Focus of Legacies Lost
- Flariton
Gallant Feet Armor Lining, Gallant Wrist Armor Lining, Gallant Arm Armor Lining, Gallant Chest Armor Lining, Gallant Head Armor Lining, Gallant Hand Armor Lining, Gallant Leg Armor Lining
- Horatio
Gallant Essence of Finesse, Gallant String Serving, Gallant Essence of Power, Gallant Shield Enarmes
- Shoru
Gallant Charm Polishing Cloth, Gallant Ring Polishing Cloth, Gallant Idol Polishing Cloth, Gallant Belt Buckle, Gallant Mask Fastener, Acolyte's Focus of Legacies Lost, Gallant Cloak Fastener, Gallant Earring Clasp, Gallant Necklace Clasp, Gallant Amice Fastener
- SingleMalt
Gallant Shield Enarmes, Gallant Essence of Finesse, Gallant String Serving, Gallant Essence of Power
- The Dreaded Red Eye
Gallant Idol Polishing Cloth, Gallant Belt Buckle, Gallant Earring Clasp, Gallant Necklace Clasp, Gallant Amice Fastener
- Ticktock
Gallant Feet Armor Lining, Gallant Wrist Armor Lining, Gallant Chest Armor Lining, Gallant Head Armor Lining, Acolyte's Focus of Legacies Lost, Gallant Hand Armor Lining
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