EQ Traders Corner
EQTC Links

General EQ links:

PLEASE NOTE: Many pages are not being actively maintained at this time and many of these links may be out of date. Please feel free to report any stale links in the database update forum and we'll make the updates as we have time.

  • www.everquest.com - Sony's main EQ website contains news of interest to EQ players (scheduled downtime, policy changes, etc.) Also vist their EQ Live site for up-to-the-minute news and announcements.
  • AllaKhazam's Magical Realm is my favorite place to find information on quests and items not covered by our site.They also host Illia's Bestiary and the Lucy item/spell database.
  • Lomon Manor: Library of Arcane Knowledge - an impressively collection of text from books within Everquest, including all or almost all of the tradeskill texts
  • www.eqvault.com - This site contains recent news about the game, player guides, maps and more.
  • EQ Ogaming - carries information on quests, abilities and much more.
  • Having a hard time tracking your gear? Want to make up a list of your perfect gear? The Magelo database can help!
  • Mum is VERY prone to getting lost in-game. If you're the same way, fear not! EQ-Toolbox has Map Fiend, which has lots of maps to download for use in-game. Finally, I can find my way out of a paper bag ... and whichever LDoN zone I've roamed into this time!
  • At a total loss as to how to set up a custom UI? Looking for pre-made UI mods? EQ Interface may have what you need.
  • Confused over which LDoNs you need to do in order to get what item? Check out this lovely LDoN merchant sorting script.
  • Aoenla's Fletching Guide is no longer updated, but it's still a valuable resource to the fletchers of Norrath
  • Everquest Online has a search engine for searching for just the right gear, etc.
  • RPG Fashion - mixed in with looted armor fashions are screen shots of player-made gear. (This site is a revamp/relaunch of the EQ Fashion site).
  • EQ Econ tracks item prices in the bazaar on a per-server basis.
  • EQ People has message boards for general Everquest and other gaming chat.
  • EQ Profits - Bazaar prices and recommended items and techniques (including tradeskills) to make a profit! Plus personalised trading analysis from your own log fil.

The Lighter Side of Gaming

Class Sites:

EQ/gaming in the real world

  • Fricka of Off-Line has some lovely RP t-shirts, including some EQ-specific ones ("Got Clarity?")
  • NEW! Gwydhar does some fabulous character portraits (amidst all of her other lovely art) if you wish to have one of your favorite characters immortalized. We got to see her in action at the 2008 Fan Faire.
  • The Daedalus Project researches the impact of MMORPGs on our lives.

Other worlds:

Non-gaming Links - the EQTC Community helping the RL world at large

  • While grid.org has closed their doors, and Team EQTC is no longer turning CPU time into valuable medical research processing time, the battle is far from over. Check out the bottom of this article for details on other grid projects that can help turn previously idle CPU time into valuable research time!
  • The Hunger Site and Affiliates - just a click a day on these 6 sites helps donate resources to six good causes. Won't you lend a hand?

Created: 2003-07-03 11:29:38          
Last Modified By: Niami Denmother          
Last Modified on: 2016-06-27 12:01:26          

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© 2003-24 Niami Denmother.
The fine print. This is a research and information site. All of the information on this site has been gathered and submitted by the players and Niami Denmother. While we try our best to keep the information here as accurate and up to date as possible, rely upon it at your own risk. By submitting information and graphics to this site, you are granting us permission to use the materials in any way that we deem appropriate. EverQuest is a registered trademark of Darkpaw Games LLC. Except as is disclosed on the "about" page, this site has no official connection with EverQuest or Darkpaw Games LLC. All information, articles and graphics on this site are the copyright of EQ Traders Corner, its owners and/or Darkpaw Games LLC and may not be copied or reprinted without the express written approval of the copyright holder. This site is not meant to represent official EverQuest (Darkpaw Games) policy, and we are not responsible for errors and/or omissions that occur due to changes in EverQuest trade skills or information that we received from the community that is in error.

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